Tuesday 16 December 2014

How to Eat

        Owing to the fact that Malaysia is a multi-racial country, there are many things you need to know about food etiquette in Malaysia. Some of these include...

When eating with your hands, use your right hand and not your left.
Reason: The left hand is considered as dirty because it is the hand usually used to when wiping yourself in the toilet.

When using a toothpick, cover your mouth with your hand.
Reason: It's just polite. No one wants to see you pick your teeth.

Take only the amount you can eat. You should finish all the food that you have taken.
Reason: Each grain of rice is sacred. Plus it's a waste and a sin to waste food.
Extras: There's a Chinese saying that says that if you don't finish all your rice, you will marry a husband with many pimples.

When you want a dish that's out of your reach, ask someone to pass it to you. Don't bend across the table.
Reason: It bothers other people who are eating.

Don't slurp your noodles.
Reason: Very rude

Never stick your chopsticks into the rice. 
Reason: It resembles the joss sticks used to pray for the dead.

Push food into your spoon in your right hand using the fork on your left.
Reason: The right hand is used for eating.

If you are invited to eat at a house, take off your shoes before entering.
Reason: To keep the house clean

Don't dig for a certain part that you like. Just take whatever's on the top.
Reason: Because it messes up the food

Don't blow hot food.
Reason: One word. Saliva.

Wait until the hosts to tell you to eat or let the hosts start eating first.
Reason: They get dibs cause the organised the meal.

Don't cross your chopsticks. place them parallel to each other on the rice bowl.

Do not turn over a fish to get the meat on the other side. Just pull the centre bone out.
Reason: This is beacause of an old fisherman superstition where everytime you flip a fish over, a boat capsizes.

Taboo food according to race
Food that Muslims cannot eat are called non-halal.

On certain days of the week or month, they are vegetarian.

Chinese people can eat all food but if they are Buddhist, at certain times of the week, they may be vegetarian.

TIP: Tips are not necessary in Malaysia as it is added in to your bill as Service Tax but you can still tip the waiter if you feel like it.

Credits to We Are Food, Japanloverme, Holy Kaw! and Joannagoddard for the photos.
https://foodlibya.wordpress.com/(We Are Food)


  1. I had no idea about a bunch of these! I always try to take off my shoes at a house though because I consider it to be a sign of respect. The fish one is strange to me, to simply debone it in the center instead of turn it over. I probably would have done this on accident without realizing it was unpolite

    1. Taking off shoes in houses in M'sia is the norm so I didn't know that other countries didn't do the same until I visited America. The fish one is mainly a superstition though XD
